Mastering the Art of Training Your Squirrel Dog

Squirrel dogs are unique breeds trained to hunt small game creatures like squirrels. However, this article will focus on ways to master the art of training these special breeds to make the most out of your hunting experience or just as a cherished pet.

Understanding the Squirrel Dog Breeds

Many dog breeds are excellent at hunting squirrels. These include the Mountain Feist, Treeing Cur, and the American Squirrel Dog to name a few. While these breeds are predisposed to chase and tree small game, it’s the training that refines their abilities to become effective hunters.

Getting Started: Preparing for Training

Ensuring Your Dog Gets the Right Nutrition

To keep your squirrel dog energetic and healthy during training, proper nutrition is paramount. A diet rich in protein, fats, and fibre should help keep their energy levels high and promote proper growth and development. Always consult with your vet for the best diet for your dog’s breed, age, and training demands.

Regular Vet Check-ups

Regular visits to the vet are necessary to ensure your dog is in optimal health. This includes regular vaccinations, de-worming, and other necessary health procedures.

The Training Process

Establish a Bond

Before you begin training, form a bond of trust and companionship with your dog. Start by devoting time to play with, walk, and groom your dog. This bonding is critical as it encourages your dog to follow your commands and respond to training cues later on.

Basic Training Commands

Begin your training with basic obedience commands, such as “Sit”, “Stay”, “Come”, and “No”. These commands are the building blocks for more advanced training. Make sure your dog understands and responds correctly to them before moving forward.

Squirrel Dog Training Techniques

This specific training involves teaching the dog to track and ‘tree’ a squirrel. The dog must learn to pick up and follow a squirrel’s scent – a task called ‘scenting’. They must also learn to chase a squirrel up a tree and keep it there, called ‘treeing’. This requires patience, persistence and consistent methods of positive reinforcement like treats, praises, or toys.

Challenges in Training


Like with any other form of training, your dog might get easily distracted. This especially applies during outdoor training sessions where other scents, animals or people might distract your dog. To manage this, gradually train your squirrel dog in different environments, gradually increasing the level of distractions.

Age Considerations

Older dogs might take longer to train and younger dogs can be easily distracted. Adequate patience is required in both scenarios. It’s generally easier to train a squirrel dog when it’s still a puppy, as older dogs may have already developed their own ways of doing things.

Maintaining the Trained Skills

Once your squirrel dog has mastered the essential skills of scenting and treeing, it’s important to keep practicing these skills with them. This can be achieved by scheduling regular training sessions and hunting outings. This way, you ensure your dog maintains the skills and keeps getting better at them.

Professional Help

Should you find it difficult to train your squirrel dog, consider hiring a professional dog trainer. Ensure they have experience with hunting dogs for best results. It’s worthwhile to invest in professional training as it can save you time and ensure your dog learns the correct hunting behaviors.


With patience, persistence, and the right training techniques, you can guide your squirrel dog to reach their full hunting potential, or simply be a well-behaved pet. Remember to keep your training sessions fun and engaging for your dog. This way, your dog is likely to develop the necessary skills and enjoy the training process, making this endeavour mutually rewarding and enjoyable.

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