Mastering the Art of Training your Great Pyrenees Dog

The Great Pyrenees, known for its majestic appearance and intelligent demeanor, is a breed that carries itself with grace and tranquility. These dogs are primarily known for their fast learning and adaptability capabilities. However, they’re also known for their stubbornness which can make training them a daunting task. Mastering the art of training your Great Pyrenees takes patience, creativity, and a good understanding of their characteristics and traits. This article will provide crucial tips and guidelines for effectively training your noble Great Pyrenees.

Understanding Your Great Pyrenees

Training starts with understanding. Before diving into training techniques, take some time to learn about the characteristics and behavioral aspects of the breed. The origins of the Great Pyrenees are rooted in the mountainous regions of France and Spain. They were bred to guard flocks, to keep predators at bay, and to withstand harsh weather conditions. This has embedded a sense of independence and stubbornness into their instincts. Remember, it’s not defiance you’re seeing—it’s their breeding. Knowing this will change your perspective when approaching their training!

Creation of a Positive Environment

The personality and affinity of a Great Pyrenees towards learning is undeniably influenced by the environment. Establish a positive and secure atmosphere for your dog where it can feel at ease. This breed is sensitive, and punishment-based techniques are not advisable. Instead, adopt a reward-based approach where good behavior is reinforced with treats and praises.

Teaching Basic Commands:

1. Sit

Teaching your Pyrenees to sit involves commanding it verbally and physically reinforcing it. Hold a treat above its head and say ‘Sit,’ as you slightly push down its back. Once your pet sits, reward it with the treat and praise. Repetition is essential for them to understand the command.

2. Stay

‘Stay’ is another vital command. It helps maintain control over your dog, especially in public spaces. To teach this, ask them to sit and gradually distance yourself while saying ‘Stay.’ If they don’t move, reward them. Increase the duration and distance over time.

3. Come

Another crucial command. To teach this, distance yourself from your dog while you have their attention. Then say ‘Come,’ and when they respond, give them a treat. Eventually, your dog will associate the command with the act of coming to you and receiving rewards. It’s helpful in outdoor scenarios and in situations where the dog may be at risk.

Leash Training

Training your Great Pyrenees to walk on a leash without pulling is another essential skill. Maintaining a calm demeanor and positive reinforcement should be the core of your training. Use treats and praises every time they walk on the leash without pulling. The key is consistency and patience.

Dog Socialization

Socialization is crucial for your Great Pyrenees to get accustomed to different dogs, humans, and environments. It helps in reducing anxiety and fear while improving their social skills. Introduce your dog to varied environments, different people, and animals casually and gradually to enforce positive interactions.


Training your Great Pyrenees might seem like a mammoth task initially, owing to their stubborn nature. However, understanding their origins and characteristics will provide great insight into their behavior. Adopting consistent, positive reinforcement practices, gradually introducing basic commands, leash training, and socializing your dog will undoubtedly result in a well-mannered, submissive, and obedient Great Pyrenees. Remember, patience and persistence are key in this journey of mastering the art of training your Great Pyrenees.

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