Unveiling the Costs of Sit Means Sit Dog Training Program

For any dog owner, finding the right training program that meshes with your pet’s personality while staying within your budget range is a vital task. Among the popular choices available today, the “Sit Means Sit” dog training franchise stands out because of its unique approach and results-driven methodology. However, understanding the associated costs is crucial in determining if this is the best choice for you and your furry companion. This article aims to unveil the cost of the Sit Means Sit Dog Training Program.

Introduction to Sit Means Sit Program

The Sit Means Sit franchise was launched in 1998 by Fred Hassen, backed by his associate, Cory Pisa. It has since grown to become one of the largest dog training franchises with over 140 locations spanning the United States, Canada, and Australia. The franchise is renowned for its distinctive training approach that promises to deliver obedient, well-behaved pets that can perform various skills. Sit Means Sit uses a trademarked method called Attention-Based Training, which helps to create a focused and attentive dog, even in distracting environments.

The Sit Means Sit Training Approach

Sit Means Sit uses a unique training method that leverages custom electronic training collars. These collars have adjustable levels of stimulation to suit each dog’s unique temperament and learning speed. Their trainers emphasize that the use of these collars isn’t to punish, but an extension of the leash to gain the dog’s attention.

Cost of the Sit Means Sit Training Program

While the Sit Means Sit program is lauded for its effectiveness, it’s noteworthy that it is not the most affordable option in the pet training market. The cost of the program can vary largely, mostly depending on the location, the specific trainer, the age, breed, and behavior of the dog, and the training package chosen. On average, clients should expect to pay between $600 to well over $2000 for their training services.

Initial Consultation

The first step in the Sit Means Sit program is an initial consultation with a local trainer, which usually costs around $100-$200. This initial evaluation allows the trainer to meet your dog, assess their behavior and determine the best approach to their training. The consultation fee is typically deducted from the overall program’s cost if you decide to proceed with the program.

Private Lessons

Private lessons with a Sit Means Sit trainer usually range from $600 to over $1000, depending on the number of sessions in the package and the complexity of the training required. These one-on-one classes usually last about one hour and can span several weeks to months.

Board and Train Program

Board and Train programs are all-inclusive, where a professional trainer takes your dog for extended periods (anywhere from a week to a month) to provide intensive training. This program is the most expensive, with costs ranging from $1200 to over $4000, depending on the program’s length and the specific goals set.

Additional Costs

On top of the direct costs of the training packages, there are also additional costs to consider. The electronic collar used in the Sit Means Sit program typically costs $200 and is usually a mandatory purchase unless you already own a compatible device. Refreshment and maintenance training sessions might also be needed, adding to the overall cost.


The Sit Means Sit dog training program offers effective training methods that bring proven results. However, the price tag attached to them is considerably higher than alternative programs. Ultimately, the decision falls on every pet owner to weigh the benefits against costs to land on a suitable option for their canine friend. With the wide range of options available today, there’s no pressure to settle for anything that doesn’t feel like a perfect fit for you and your dog.

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