Mastering the Art of Crate Training a Stubborn Dog.


Crate training a stubborn dog may seem intimidating, but by using the right techniques and staying consistent, you can help your furry friend feel at home in its crate. This detailed guide will provide you with various tried and true tips for successfully crate training even the most obstinate dogs and helping them see the crate as their safe haven.

What is Crate Training?

Crate training is a method of house training a dog. It involves keeping a dog in a crate during periods where they cannot be supervised, such as during the night or when you are away from home. The idea behind crate training is that dogs instinctively do not like to soil their sleeping areas, so they will hold in their waste until they can be let out of the crate to eliminate.

Benefits of Crate Training

Despite some cultural misunderstanding about the use of crates, when used correctly, they are supportive tools for dog health and happiness. They cater to the dog’s natural instinct to have a den, a safe space of their own. Also, it can help decrease separation anxiety, aid in house training, prevent destructive behavior, and provide a safe method of transportation.

The Right Crate

One of the keys to successful crate training is selecting the right crate. The size of the crate matters a lot. It should be spacious enough for the dog to turn around, sit, and lie down comfortably, but not too large that one corner can be designated as the bathroom area. Make sure that the crate is well-ventilated and secure. A comfortable bed or blanket can be added to enhance the coziness. Face it towards the family’s common area, as dogs are social animals and like to be part of the group.

Introducing Your Dog to the Crate

Introduce the crate to your dog gradually. Start by keeping the door open and encouraging your dog to explore the crate. Reward your dog with treats and positive praise when they enter the crate on their own. Don’t force your dog into the crate; a positive association with the crate must be built. A good way is to serve their meals near or in the crate, which will allow them to associate the crate with pleasurable experiences.

Making the Crate a Comfortable Place

Ensure the crate is a comfortable space your dog wants to spend time in. Placing their favorite toys or including an article of your clothing like an old tee-shirt can provide comfort and familiarity. Adding a cover over the crate can also create a more den-like atmosphere that many dogs enjoy.

The Process of Crate Training

Once the dog is familiar with the crate, start to crate your dog for short periods while you are home. This could start out as a few minutes and gradually increase as your dog becomes more comfortable. The important thing is not to let your dog out of the crate while they are whining or barking, or they will learn that making noise leads to being let out. Award your dog’s patience with treats, praises, or plays when they stay calm and quiet inside the crate.

Nighttime Crate Training

For many dogs, sleeping in the crate at night is a great place to start the habit of being crated. Initially, the crate should be located in your bedroom or nearby, so the dog does not feel isolated. Gradually, you can move the crate to the desired location once your dog is comfortable in the crate for the night.

Dealing with Behavioral Problems

Don’t be disheartened if you experience setbacks or behavioral problems. Whining, barking, or being resistant are common responses at first. Don’t give in and let them out or attend to them when they whine. It’s crucial to teach them that crying doesn’t get them attention. Instead, reassure them with your calming voice or a gentle pat.

Training Dogs with Separation Anxiety

Dogs with separation anxiety may find crate training more challenging. Pairing the crate with something pleasant can be beneficial. Filling a safe chew toy with peanut butter or using a puzzle feeder can keep your dog distracted in your absence. Moreover, exercise before crate times can make your dog more relaxed.


Crate training a stubborn dog requires patience, consistency, and lots of positive reinforcement. Remember, every dog is unique and may respond to different training methods. Stay patient and focused on your aim. Once mastered, the crate will become a sanctuary for your dog and an excellent tool for you.

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