Understanding IGP Dog Training: A Comprehensive Guide

Dogs have been a part of our lives for thousands of years. They have evolved alongside us and have proven themselves to be versatile in many areas. One area where the versatility of dogs shines most brightly is in the field of training. Today, we will be delving into the realm ofInternationale Gebrauchshund Prüfung (IGP), which is a rigorous training regime designed to bring out the best in a dog’s capabilities.

What is IGP Dog Training?

IGP, formerly known as Schutzhund, is a dog sport that was developed in Germany in the early 1900s as a way of testing dogs for their suitability in police work. IGP dog training examines a dog’s mental stability, search capabilities, agility, obedience, and protective instincts. While it was initially developed for German Shepherds, it has proven to be an effective training program for various breeds.

The Three Phases of IGP Dog Training

Phase One: Tracking

In this phase, dogs are tested on their tracking abilities. A track layer walks a specific pattern, dropping several articles along the way. After a certain period has passed, the dog is then tasked with tracking the scent to find the articles. The dog must show intense concentration and precision.

Phase Two: Obedience

This phase involves a series of exercises, including heeling, sitting, staying, retrieving, and responding to commands. The dog’s ability to follow instructions and its relationship with the handler are closely observed during these exercises.

Phase Three: Protection

The protection phase of IGP training is often the most misunderstood. The test does not encourage aggressive behavior; rather, it focuses on the dog’s ability to control that aggression. The dog must prove that it can protect its handler on command, but also that it can cease this behavior when commanded to as well.

Requirements for IGP Dog Training

Dog’s Age and Health

At a minimum, the dog should be 18 months old and in good health before beginning IGP training. Due to the high physical demands of IGP training, it’s important to make sure that your dog is in top physical shape.

Mentality and Temperament of the Dog

The mental state of the dog is also a major consideration in this training process. The dog should have a balanced temperament and not be overly aggressive or timid.

Tips for Successful IGP Dog Training

IGP Dog Training is definitely challenging, but with patience and perseverance, it can be done. In order to assure success in IGP Dog Training, here are a few tips.

Understanding Your Dog’s Personality

Each dog has its own unique personality and understanding this is crucial. This will help you to adapt training techniques as per your dog’s requirements and temperament.

Consistency is Key

Consistency is key when it comes to IGP dog training. Dogs respond well to routines and once they understand what is expected of them, they will react accordingly.

Patience and Persistence

Learning a new skill takes time and the same applies to dogs undergoing IGP training. It’s important to be patient and persistent. It takes time, but over time, progress will be seen.


IGP Dog Training is a comprehensive regimen designed to embrace and hone your dog’s inherent qualities and skills. It demands patience, consistency, and understanding from the handler/owner. Ultimately, it strengthens the bond between handler and dog, and develops a well-disciplined and balanced dog. Understanding this training can only enhance your relationship with your dog and enable you to appreciate their capabilities and their role in society all the more.

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